
Showing posts from March, 2018

More Than a Common Cold

Have you ever been so sick that you were convinced you weren’t going to wake up tomorrow? Ya, that happens to me when I get a common cold. Fellas, you know I’m not alone here. We get sick, open our phones, go to google and start typing in our symptoms in and in .01 seconds we’re convinced it’s cancer. Terminal cancer. And all of a sudden our runny nose is a sign that the tumor in our brain is the size of a softball. Our cough has revealed that the watermelon size tumor in our lungs is ready to pull the plug. God forbid we have body aches, fugettaboutit! Lights out.  Oddly enough I wake up 2-3 days later and I’m still alive and can breathe, no more cough, body doesn’t hurt. immediately I think the cancer is in remission. No, I will not accept that it was never there. It was because it’s the only thing that could bring all this manliness to his knees. A silly little cold could never do that, right? Psshhh, not me! 31 years ago my life forever changed. And EVERY year I get the su